No Referral Needed

No Referral Needed

No Referral Needed


Distal Radius Fracture

A distal radius fracture involves a break in the larger bone of the forearm near the wrist, specifically at the end closest to the hand.

Distal radius fractures (wrist fractures) are very common, and one of the most frequent reasons why a patient visits Dr. Wartinbee.

  • Did you fall and do have swelling or deformity of your wrist?

  • Did you go to the emergency room or urgent care clinic, and x-rays showed a wrist fracture?

  • Symptoms: Pain, swelling, tenderness, and bruising around the wrist area. Difficulty moving or using the hand and wrist, along with visible deformity if the bone is displaced or broken severely.
  • Pathology: Most often caused by a fall onto an outstretched hand or direct impact on the wrist, resulting in the break of the radius bone close to the wrist joint.
  • Treatment Options
  • Immobilization: Dr. Wartinbee may be able to treat your fracture with casting or splinting to stabilize the fracture and allow it to heal properly. His clinic has the ability to provide these options, right when you come for your visit.

  • Surgery: In some cases, the fracture may best be treated with surgery, in order to allow for a quicker return to function, and an improved outcome. Dr. Wartinbee is an expert in surgical treatment of wrist fractures. He has also authored and published numerous well known journal articles in the leading orthopedic literature on wrist fracture surgery.

  • Rehabilitation: Physical therapy exercises to improve strength, range of motion, and function of the hand and wrist after the fracture has healed. Dr. Wartinbee, has specialized hand and wrist therapists right at his office, to help you get the best results possible.

Appropriate treatment, often tailored to the individual’s situation, can effectively improve your function.Consulting Dr. Wartinbee for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan is crucial for managing your wrist fracture effectively.

If you are experiencing the discomfort of a Distal Radius Fracture, schedule an appointment today!

Often same day or next day appointments available. No referral needed.

Often same day or next day appointments available. No referral needed.

Often same day or next day appointments available. No referral needed.

Often same day or next day appointments available. No referral needed.

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