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No Referral Needed

No Referral Needed


Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

Cubital tunnel syndrome (CuTS) is a condition where the ulnar nerve at the elbow, passing through the cubital tunnel (a tunnel of tissue on the inside of the elbow), becomes compressed or irritated.

Cubital tunnel syndrome is very common, and one of the most frequent reasons why a patient visits Dr. Wartinbee.

  • Does your ring and little finger feel numb and tingly?

  • Does your hand get numb when you bend your elbow or if you hold a phone to your ear?

  • Do you have pain at the inside of your elbow?

  • Do you feel like your hand is weak or clumsy?

  • Do you drop things frequently, or have difficulty gripping objects with your hand?

  • Pathology: The ulnar nerve can become compressed due to prolonged bending of the elbow, pressure on the nerve, or anatomical factors. It can also result from repetitive motions or direct trauma to the elbow.
  • Treatment Options
  • Conservative Measures: Avoiding activities that exacerbate symptoms, using elbow pads to protect the nerve, and altering habits to reduce pressure on the nerve.

  • Orthotic Devices: Splints or braces to keep the elbow straight at night, reducing pressure on the nerve during sleep.

  • Medications: NSAIDs to manage pain and inflammation.

  • Physical Therapy: Exercises to improve strength and flexibility and prevent further nerve compression.

  • Surgical Intervention: For severe cases, or cases that are long standing, or fail conservative management, Dr Wartinbee is an expert at treating this surgically. With a minor surgery, Dr.Wartinbee may be able to relieve pressure on your ulnar nerve, which may involve releasing or repositioning the nerve or removing any compressive structures. He can often significantly improve your quality of life and function with a brief recovery.

Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, often tailored to the individual’s situation, can effectively improve your function. Consulting Dr. Wartinbee for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan is crucial for managing your cubital tunnel syndrome effectively.

If you are experiencing the discomfort of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome, schedule an appointment today!

Often same day or next day appointments available. No referral needed.

Often same day or next day appointments available. No referral needed.

Often same day or next day appointments available. No referral needed.

Often same day or next day appointments available. No referral needed.

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