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No Referral Needed


Olecranon Bursitis

Olecranon bursitis (Elbow Bursitis) is a condition characterized by inflammation and swelling of the bursa located at the tip of the elbow.

Olecranon bursitis is very common, and one of the most frequent reasons why a patient visits Dr. Wartinbee.

  • Do you have swelling and fluid at the back of your elbow?

  • Did you get swelling and fluid at the back of your elbow without any trauma?

  • Symptoms: Swelling, tenderness, and a noticeable lump at the back of the elbow. Redness and warmth around the affected area may be seen. You might have some pain or discomfort, especially when leaning on the elbow or extending the arm fully. It might be painless.
  • Pathology: The olecranon bursa, a small sac filled with fluid, can become inflamed due to repetitive friction or pressure on the elbow, trauma, or underlying medical conditions like gout or infection. Or it just might occur without any trauma or known reason.
  • Treatment Options
  • Rest and Immobilization: Avoiding activities that aggravate symptoms and using padding or cushioning to reduce pressure on the elbow. His clinic has the ability to provide these options, right when you come for your visit.

  • Aspiration: Draining excess fluid from the bursa using a needle to relieve swelling and pressure. Dr. Wartinbee frequently can perform an aspiration the same day as your initial visit.

  • Antibiotics: If the bursitis is caused by an infection, antibiotics might be necessary.

  • Surgery: In cases where it fails conservative management, an infection, or if it is negatively impacting your quality of life, Dr. Wartinbee might offer you surgery. Dr. Wartinbee is an expert in the surgical treatment of elbow bursitis.

Appropriate treatment, often tailored to the individual’s situation, can effectively improve your function. Consulting Dr. Wartinbee for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan is crucial for managing your elbow bursitis effectively.

If you are experiencing the discomfort of Olecranon Bursitis, schedule an appointment today!

Often same day or next day appointments available. No referral needed.

Often same day or next day appointments available. No referral needed.

Often same day or next day appointments available. No referral needed.

Often same day or next day appointments available. No referral needed.

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