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No Referral Needed

No Referral Needed


Ganglion/Mucous Cyst of the Hand

A ganglion cyst is a noncancerous lump or mass that typically appears as a fluid-filled sac near a joint or tendon, most commonly in the wrist or hand.

Ganglion cysts are very common, and one of the most frequent reasons why a patient visits Dr. Wartinbee.

  • Do you have a lump or bump on the top or bottom of your wrist?

  • Do you have a lump or bump at your fingertip, that sometimes thins the skin or drains clear fluid?

  • Symptoms: Ganglion cysts usually present as a visible or palpable lump. They may or may not cause pain, depending on their size and location. Pressure or discomfort can occur if the cyst presses on a nerve.
  • Pathology: The exact cause is not always clear, but ganglion cysts often develop from the tissue surrounding a joint or tendon. They are filled with synovial fluid, which is the lubricating fluid found in joints.
  • Treatment Options
  • Observation: Sometimes, ganglion cysts resolve on their own without intervention.

  • Immobilization: Using a splint or brace to limit movement and reduce pressure on the affected area.

  • Aspiration: Dr. Wartinbee can often drain the fluid from the cyst using a needle, which may reduce its size and relieve symptoms temporarily.

  • Surgery: If the cyst is causing significant pain or limiting movement, surgical removal might be considered by Dr. Wartinbee. Dr Wartinbee is an expert at this surgery, which involves excising the cyst along with a portion of the joint capsule or tendon sheath to help prevent recurrence. He can often significantly improve your quality of life and function with a brief recovery after the surgery.

Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, often tailored to the individual’s situation, can effectively improve your function. Consulting Dr. Wartinbee for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan is crucial for managing your ganglion cyst effectively.

If you are experiencing the discomfort of a Ganglion Cyst, schedule an appointment today!

Often same day or next day appointments available. No referral needed.

Often same day or next day appointments available. No referral needed.

Often same day or next day appointments available. No referral needed.

Often same day or next day appointments available. No referral needed.

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